Premier Property HQ Directions

The Address for Premier Property HQ is:

Use Postcode for SAT NAV: IG8 8HH (Please use this postcode as it is more specific )

Full Address: Premier Property HQ, Unit 4, Bourne Court, Southend Road, Woodford Green, London, IG8 8HD

If you need further details please find directions below. Images are also provided below as well as a video to get to the entrance of Premier Property HQ. 

Travelling by Public Transport

By Tube & Bus:

Feel free to use TFL’s journey planner as a resource to plan your journey:

South Woodford Tube Station on the Central Line.

Make sure you are on the Epping branch, you can change at Leytonstone.

Bus Route

From South Woodford Tube head to the bus stop on Cowslip Rd, South Woodford Stop C (Image below).

Bus Stop C on Cowslip Rd.

South Woodford Stop C.

Take Bus 179 in the direction of Hainault for 6 stops.

Roding Lane North (Stop WA), next to Toby’s Carvery.

This is the bus route to Roding Lane North (Image Below)

Use the subway to cross to the other side of the street. 

You will pass Bourne Court on your left take immediate left at the end of the building for entrance.

Once arrived at Bourne Court, to get to Premier Property HQ walk along the arrows in the direction of the archway (Image below).

Go Through the Archway (Image below) and turn left immediately after you passed the archway.

Once you have gone through the Archway (Image above), turn left immediately after you passed the archway (Image below).

Walk to the green door and Buzz Premier Property with the green arrow on the green door (Images below)

Take the stairs to the first floor 🙂

By Tube & Walk:            

South Woodford Tube Station on the Central Line.

Make sure you are on the Epping branch, you can change at Leytonstone.

Walk Route

When you come out of the station use the subway to cross over to George Lane (the other side of the station)

You Can also walk from the South Woodford Tube Station by following the Google Maps Instructions (image below).

Once arrived at Bourne Court, to get to Premier Property HQ walk along the arrows in the direction of the archway.

Go Through the Archway (Image below) and turn left immediately after you passed the archway.

Walk to the green door and Buzz Premier Property with the green arrow on the green door (Images below)

Take the stairs to the first floor 🙂

We look forward to welcoming you to Premier Property HQ. If you do have any questions, please email we are always happy to assist.

January 16, 2019

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