For the Online Workshop, we only allow a maximum of 500 people in the Online room. (and trust me our events Sell Out Fast).
We keep it to this number for 2 reasons.
One, it allows you to ask questions, AND get your questions answered. Can you imagine being on a webinar with 1,000+ people? Or the 'new thing' is a Facebook supporter programme where you are promised mentorship, but if you are one of 1,000s of people, how can you possibly expect your questions to be answered?
Second, it creates an interactive environment, and I have the opportunity to get to know you.
It’s real. It’s tangible. You can put it in to practice. No Fluff. No Hype. I’ll be sharing what we do at Premier Property on a day to day basis when it comes to property auctions, with real life case studies, facts and figures (I even include statements), so you have the peace of mind and confidence that you can do this too. Even during the time of this Pandemic.
I make my money from property. If you know me, you know that. If you are getting to know me, you’ll know that pretty soon. Property is a lonely journey, so I wanted to create a community of likeminded and supportive people to help each other in property.
There's another reason too, if you've read my book, you'll know what it is, but I'll share that on the Profit from Property Auctions 2 Part Workshop.
Property has been good to me and my family. It's been good to the people I have been able to help along the way too.
So I would like to share with you the simple steps that you can take right now that will make your 2021 your best year yet in property, and winning at Property Auctions allows you to do that.
With the right system, support, information, and choices, it’s possible to flip EVERYTHING on its head and make the changes and get the results that you truly want in life!
Have you ever wondered; “There’s more to life than this?”. Well you’re right – there IS more...
The 2 parts are packed full of great content, actionable information, golden nuggets, expertise, the winning property strategies for 2021 and a proven step-by-step system you can follow during the Corona Virus outbreak.
And it gets better,
Because of how the 2 parts are structured, we have packed in as much as we possibly can for you, meaning you’re going to get loads of information and it will be easy for you to digest.
The entire point of this Profit from Property Auctions 2 Part Workshop is to give you the peace of mind and confidence to move forward with property auctions (OR build a better portfolio if you’ve already got started!).
I don’t know what success you want to create in 2021.